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Showing posts from May, 2019

Immune System vs Medication: Showdown!

Your Amazing Immune System Do you take any of these drugs on a regular basis? Aspirin/Pain medication Cold medicines Allergy medications Antibiotics Ask yourself why would you take these artificial chemicals into your body? Is it because you lack a strong immune system or because you've been told you have to take drugs to stay healthy? Your body actually has an amazing ability to protect itself from harm through the natural immune system. When your body is healthy, your immune system can defend itself against millions of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxins. When you are run down, you may believe that pills are the only answer. This is a socially accepted norm that many people resort to. But it's not always the best option. What's Inside That Medication? Take some time today to read through the ingredients in your medicine cabinet. You'll most likely find a long list of complicated words that are difficult to pronounce. Although they may sound ve...

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

When all the blood vessels that diffuse water into vital cells are not receiving enough water , hypertension is a resulting condition. The process of reverse osmosis, in which water from the blood is filtered and injected into important cells, has a certain amount of required fuel, and that is water! It has been shown that an increase in hydration can eliminate the problem. Those treated with diuretics can unfortunately further dehydration of the body. These will eventually cause blockages, by cholesterol, in the main arteries leading to heart attack. The alkaline health benefits are easy to spot, considering they are capable of reducing or eliminating the problem.

Do You Know What's in Your Water?

The answer to this question may shock you! If you are drinking from public or community water systems, you may be surprised to find that there are contaminants and chemicals found in water in most homes. These unwelcome additives can actually work against your best efforts to stay hydrated and healthy. Here are some scientifically proven facts about what's in the public water system. More than 20% of untreated water samples from 932 public wells contained at least one contaminant at levels of potential health concern, according to a 2010 study by the U.S. Geological Survey. 1 Well water can be contaminated by fluoride, run-off, and pesticides. A 2009 study showed that 23% of sampled wells had at least one chemical contaminant that exceeded human-health benchmarks. 2   A 1999 study from the Environmental Protection Agency indicated,  Much of the existing water infrastructure (underground pipes, treatment plants, and other facilities) was built many years ago. The ...

Alkalize for Fertility and Health: Fertility Foods that Increase Egg Quality

BY  JULIA INDICHOVA   ON MARCH 6, 2016 Alkalize for Fertility and Health: Increasing Egg Quality and Your Chances of Getting Pregnant with Fertility Foods. Can  pH levels affect egg quality? Can our pH levels, in other words our acid-alkaline balance, affect egg and sperm quality conception, implantation, and just about every organ function involved in getting pregnant? The answer is a resounding yes. If your cervical fluid is too acidic, the sperm will have a hard time reaching the egg or even surviving in an overly acidic environment. What I see in the Fertile Heart retreats is that a lot of women and men who are meat eaters or are on some form of high protein diet, tend to be acidic. Do’s and Don’ts of Tilting the Scale toward an Alkaline, Conception Friendly Environment I have touched on the subject of acid alkaline balance and explained the basic ideas of pH levels in the “Ally in the Cupbo...

Are you trying to get pregnant? - Water will Help you Best

Are you trying to get pregnant? The body’s pH balance is an important factor in pregnancy. Therefore, balancing your pH level is an effective solution for supporting your fertility efforts. Scientifically speaking, Kangen Water will help the body naturally change the cervical mucous pH to become more sperm friendly leading up to ovulation. If your body is too acidic, there’s a good chance you wont be getting pregnant anytime soon. Our Westernize diets of meats, white flour products, sugar, sweeteners, dairy, multiple coffees contribute to making our body much more acidic than it should be.  Only Kangen water possesses the alkaline, antioxidant and hydrating capabilities to counteract these diet no-no’s. I’m sharing this information with you because I believe you deserve to have a happy and very healthy pregnancy. Kangen system already considered a vital medical device in Japan. But then again, it kind of makes sense that doctors would refute the whole idea. Because ...

Is a Vaginal pH Problem Affecting Your Fertility?

Your vaginal pH is probably not something you’ve thought much about unless you’ve experienced a problem with it, or are struggling with infertility. pH is the balance between acidity and alkalinity in an environment, in this case the vagina. This delicate system usually works without the need for intervention, but can lose its balance. Let me share about the different types of pH problems to watch for and offer natural ways to overcome them, as well as the importance of having balanced vaginal pH. The Importance of Fluctuating pH The pH of the vagina is generally self-regulating. It ranges from 3.8-4.5 (slightly acidic) for most of the menstrual cycle. The acidic pH of the vagina serves an important role in your health, creating a natural barrier to infections like bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast overgrowth (Candida). However, vaginal pH needs to fluctuate to accommodate natural fertility. The acidic pH of the vagina that fights bacteria and excess yeast can weaken an...

Cellular Division of An In Vitro Fetus and Importance of Alkaline Water

Every Time A Cell Multiplies, It Needs 75% of Its Volume To Be Filled With Water Yes,  alkaline water  is a safe and healthy option for  pregnant  women and their growing babies.  Alkaline water  means that it has a high pH level, which helps to fight acid build up in the body and improve overall health. Impact Of Kangen Water On Pregnant Women   Dr. Anand Dhingra   Pregnancy is a phase of life which generally brings tremendous joy to a couple’s life but along with the happiness, it also brings various things to worry about, most importantly health. One needs to take extra care about what to eat and drink during pregnancy. Most people take care of eating a healthy diet but when comes to drinking they just reduce the amount of coffee, avoids alcoholic intake and drink a larger amount of water to keep the body hydrated, but there exists a very effective way of keeping an expecting mother healthy i.e. by drinking Kangen  (alkalized...

Is it OK to drink alkaline water daily? Can one become too alkaline?

Is it OK to drink alkaline water daily? Can one become too alkaline? For excellent health, it is important to drink naturally alkaline water daily. Doing so supplies the body with the alkaline minerals it needs to buffer acid. While all of these minerals are not nutritionally available, they do buffer acid.  In the case of naturally alkaline water, it is recommended to drink at least two liters per day. Since the alkalinity is a result of naturally alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium, the body is capable of using the minerals it needs and storing or discarding any excess. You cannot become overly alkaline drinking naturally alkaline water. Among best natural alkaline water is Kangen Water .

Checklist: Are you overly acidic?

Taken from “The Chemistry of Success” by Susan M. Lark, M.D. and James Richards, M.B.A. Lifestyle factors: • I do not feel my best when I eat fast foods, fried foods, colas, and desserts. • I do not feel my best when I eat red meat or red meat dishes. • I do not tolerate acidic condiments like vinegar and lemon juice. • I regularly consume processed and refined foods that contain chemical additives. • I regularly consume breads and baked goods made with white flour and sugar. • I eat few fruits and vegetables. • I drink more than one cup of coffee or tea each day. • I frequently take ascorbic acid (vitamin c), aspirin, or antibiotics • I do not tolerate alcohol • I have a history of cigarette smoking • I frequently travel by plane Performance indicators: • I often feel exhausted after vigorous exercise or very physical work. • I often experience fatigue and lack of stamina. • I run out of breath running up stairs or walking briskly. • I am physically and m...

Water Filtration Systems - Secret Revealed

WAT ER DISTILLER Distillation removes minerals and microbiological contaminants and can reduce levels of chemical contaminants to produce disinfected water safe for drinking and cooking. How does it work? A distiller removes minerals and contaminants by boiling water until it becomes water vapor, condensing this vapor and then returning it to its liquid state. As the purified condensation (steam) slowly drains into a storage container, impurities are left behind in the boiling chamber. The problem. Distillation removes everything, indiscriminately. Bacteria, viruses, cysts, heavy metals and all beneficial minerals.            REVERSE  OSMOSIS Reverse osmosis creates a well-filtered drinking water, safe for consumption. Bacteria, salt, and other particles larger than the membrane used are removed. How does it work? In reverse osmosis filtration, a semipermeable membrane acts as an extremely fine filter to create drinkable wat...

What is Healthy Finance and Financial Stress - Here is the Solution

Financial stress is, unfortunately, a pandemic problem in America today. In fact, the 2010 Stress in America survey found that 76% of adults are stressed about finances. What's worse, 91% of children thought their parents were stressed, and many were negatively affected as a result. 1 Stress can disturb your body, your mind, your overall well-being, and even your children. Because everything is connected, it is important to stay properly balanced and maintain health in your body, mind, and finances. If you live paycheck to paycheck or have been forced to stop saving, cut spending, or resort to credit card debt to get by, you can find a better way to live! Financial health is possible! 76% of Americans are stressed about their  finances. Source: ONE SOLUTION Imagine one product that can revive your total health: mind, household, body, and finances! Enagic’s...